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From category archives: Olemera Blog

Personal Tax Planning

The Role of Financial Advisors in Achieving Financial Independence

In this article, we take a look at the role a financial advisor plays in working towards and achieving financial independence in today’s difficult economic climate.

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Questions About Your Retirement that You Should be Asking

Retirement may seem like it’s a lifetime away, but time has a funny way of moving really fast and before we know it, we are getting used to being at home with no obligation to be anywhere or do anything - blissful retirement after decades of hard work. However, your retirement will be much less blissful if you haven’t planned for it properly.

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How to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely – Invest, Don’t Spend!

Often times, people do not include their tax refund in their budget as they are not sure how much it is going to be, or if they will be receiving a refund at all. Therefore, it’s important that you know how to use your tax refund wisely so that you can improve your overall financial portfolio rather than spending on things you don’t need.

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Donations Tax in South Africa & Parents Donating Assets or Capital to Their Children

Many of our baby boomer clients are now considering making donations to their children in the form of property or capital for a deposit on a property. Although this is noble, parents must take into account the rules of donations tax in such situations. In this article, we will look into donations tax and what it means for parents who are helping their children purchase property.

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Everything You Need to Know About Capital Gains Tax in South Africa

Capital gains tax forms part of income tax and is triggered when you make a profit from selling an asset that you own. The amount of tax payable is calculated according to the profit you made in the sale and not the total amount you sold the asset for.

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Have You Thought About Estate Planning? Here’s Why it’s Important

Planning for something fun like your next big holiday or your dream wedding can be fun and many people willingly put many hours and a fair amount of blood, sweat and tears into these events. However, there is something far more important to plan for and it’s never too early to start - estate planning.

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Section 12J Investments and Reducing Taxable Income

Investing in an approved Section 12J VCC is indirectly investing in and building the South African economy. It also acts as a tax-efficient incentive for investors as it allows for a full tax deduction of the amount invested for the specific tax year.

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Minimizing Your Tax Burden with a Retirement Annuity

Tax season is upon us which means it’s time to find ways to minimize your tax burden in the most efficient way possible. Although there are many ways to optimize your tax deductions, a retirement annuity may be one of the most beneficial vehicles to save on tax.

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Conducting Your End-of-Year Personal Finance Review

Reviewing your personal financial plan at the end of the year helps you to end of the year knowing exactly where you stand with your finances and it helps you strategize for the year ahead.

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The Benefits of Personal Tax Planning in South Africa

Effective tax planning depends on the extensive knowledge that our financial advisors have after years financial planning experience.

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