Olemera Financial Advisor South Africa would like to join the conversation around the ever-present COVID-19.
As we aim to educate ourselves on safety measures and precautions, we find it equally crucial to share such information with our readers so that we can work together to actively mitigate the spread of this infectious virus.
This article serves to discuss the important and relevant facts regarding COVID-19 as we continue to combat the spread of fake news and the subsequent fear.
Olemera Financial Advisor South Africa
Firstly, it’s important to know what the Coronavirus is; it comes from a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more serious respiratory tract infections.
This is a new strain of the virus that was discovered towards the end of 2019, which is the first time is has presented itself in humans.
Although there has been an exponential rise in infections and transmissions on a global scale, there are certain things we can all do to actively minimise the spread.
In doing so, we allow for the fast, effective treatment of individuals who have been infected.
As we know, with almost everything in life, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it’s important that every individual takes responsibility for their role to play in this state of emergency.
The following are basic guidelines which can be followed to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in South Africa:
Although it’s almost impossible to stay at home, it’s important to refrain from entering public spaces as much as possible. Avoid social gatherings and stay home from work, school and other meetings.
When you are in public spaces, try and stay at least one meter away from people who are sneezing or coughing.
Keep hand sanitiser with you at all times and use it as much as possible, especially after coming into physical contact with others.
It’s also important to sanitise the surfaces around you regularly. If you do not have hand or surface disinfectant, make sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap on a regular basis.
The most susceptible entry points for infectious organisms are your eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, it’s important to avoid touching these areas with your hands.
When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow or a tissue. If you use a tissue, dispose of it immediately in a closed bin.
When greeting someone, don’t shake their hands or hug them. Instead, keep a distance of at least one meter wherever possible.
If you are experiencing any symptoms, seek immediate medical care. Also, isolate yourself from family members and friends until you have had yourself tested.
Individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to infection, it’s important to take measures to boost your immune system.
Vitamin C, Zinc and Echinacea are particularly useful for helping the body fight off respiratory tract infections.
The most common symptoms to look out for are:
As we aim to be one of the best financial services companies in South Africa, we are working tirelessly at protecting ourselves and our valued clients from the spread of COVID-19.
It’s also crucial to highlight the importance of financial planning during these times, as businesses and the economy will be affected.
We will continue to provide our financial services by making our financial advisors available via telephone or online communication.
If you would like more information on how to prevent the spread of this infectious disease, or for tips on how to remain financially stable during these times, please contact us.
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