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Posts Tagged 'Financial advisors in Johannesburg'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Financial advisors in Johannesburg'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Finding a Debt Solution That is Right for You

There are 4 main solutions to consider if you are beyond the point of keeping up with your monthly repayments. This might mean that you are over-indebted, and you may be faced with legal action if you continue falling behind on your payments.

Important Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor

So, you have decided to speak to a financial advisor about your personal financial planning but you’re not sure what kind of questions you need to ask to make sure the person or company you have chosen is the right fit for you.

Make Sure Your Financial Advisor Meets These Requirements

One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing your financial advisor is their qualifications and whether or not they meet the necessary requirements. Not sure what to look for? In this article we discuss the minimum requirements that all financial advisors in South Africa must meet.

Is it Time to Speak to a Financial Advisor? Here’s How You Know

Unless you have a strong financial background which allows you to understand the various markets, investment opportunities, and different savings vehicles, then seeking professional advice from a financial advisor is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Questions About Your Retirement that You Should be Asking

Retirement may seem like it’s a lifetime away, but time has a funny way of moving really fast and before we know it, we are getting used to being at home with no obligation to be anywhere or do anything - blissful retirement after decades of hard work. However, your retirement will be much less blissful if you haven’t planned for it properly.

Donations Tax in South Africa & Parents Donating Assets or Capital to Their Children

Many of our baby boomer clients are now considering making donations to their children in the form of property or capital for a deposit on a property. Although this is noble, parents must take into account the rules of donations tax in such situations. In this article, we will look into donations tax and what it means for parents who are helping their children purchase property.

Everything You Need to Know About Capital Gains Tax in South Africa

Capital gains tax forms part of income tax and is triggered when you make a profit from selling an asset that you own. The amount of tax payable is calculated according to the profit you made in the sale and not the total amount you sold the asset for.

Successful Budgeting and How to Achieve it

Creating a budget and finding the correct strategy for your monthly budget are the first steps to successful budgeting but could easily mean nothing without ongoing efforts to make sure you stick to, improve, and reassess your budget. Herein lies true budgeting success.

Six Easy Steps to Creating a Personal Budget

If it’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that without a solid plan in place, you may find yourself moving through a maze, with no end in sight. This is true for everything in life, including your personal finances.

Steps to Creating an Emergency Fund that Works for You

An emergency fund will be what saves you from that inevitable rainy day. To be honest, we don’t believe in negative thinking but based on our experience, the rainy-day scenario is a likely one and we should always be fully prepared for it.


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