Making better choices
is not always this easy


How to Spend Your Bonus the Smart Way

There are many things to consider when you think about that double salary landing in your bank account and we know there is always the urge to splurge – but our financial advisors encourage you to put some thought into it before you start swiping.

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Reviewing your Personal Financial Plan and Why it’s Important

There is a common misconception that a personal financial plan is formulated and implemented once and doesn’t need much attention afterwards. However, on the contrary, the only way your financial plan is going to work for you the way you want it to is for you to review it regularly.

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Budgeting Tips for 30 Somethings – How to Build Wealth in Your Thirties

Our financial advisors believe that it is never too late to start. In fact, there really is no time like right now to change the way you manage your money, so that you can secure a stable future for yourself.

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Six Financial Habits of the Wealthy that Anyone can Adopt

Our financial advisors in Johannesburg can help you develop and refine a perfect, comprehensive financial plan that will help you reach your short- and long-term financial goals.

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Our Financial Planners Talk About Daily Habits of Successful People

To be successful doesn’t mean that you need to be a multi-millionaire, or that you should have a beach front mansion and 5 expensive cars. Success is subjective and there is no one size fits all approach to measuring it.

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Important Financial Advice for Single Mothers in South Africa

Knowing how to manage finances as a single mother is crucial, as financial stability can ease all the other daily pressures that come with raising your child.

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The Importance of Financial Independence for Women in South Africa

There is a particularly pertinent link between South Africa’s national Women’s month of August and the importance of financial independence for the women of South Africa.

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Types of Business Insurance in South Africa - Part I

The purpose of business insurance is to ensure that you, your equipment, your employees, and members of the public who interact with you and your business are protected from all risks associated with your business and its operations.

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The Benefits of Personal Tax Planning in South Africa

Effective tax planning depends on the extensive knowledge that our financial advisors have after years financial planning experience.

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Advice from our Financial Advisors in Johannesburg

Olemera financial advisors in Johannesburg are committed to providing high-quality, strategic and comprehensive financial advice to every one of our clients.

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