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From category archives: Olemera Blog

Financial Advisors

Everything You Need to Know About Short-Term Insurance

Short-term insurance is as important as long-term or life insurance as it protects you against unexpected events such as theft, accidents and natural disasters.

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Managing Personal Finances in the Wake of COVID-19

Have you ever wondered if managing personal finances is important or necessary? With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on our financial stability as individuals, we are now given the opportunity to appreciate the importance of smart financial planning.

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Coronavirus Safety Measures from Olemera Financial Advisor South Africa

Olemera Financial Advisor South Africa would like to join the conversation around the ever-present COVID-19.

As we aim to educate ourselves on safety measures and precautions, we find it equally crucial to share such information with our readers so that we can work together to actively mitigate the spread of this infectious virus.

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Tax Savings in South Africa – 3 Ways to Save with Tax Deductions

There are many ways to improve your tax savings strategy and with the end of the financial year fast approaching, you may want to take advantage where you can.

Furthermore, these tax-saving methods can help you in the upcoming fiscal year and beyond.

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Making the Most of Your Retirement Annuity

Many South Africans may be wondering how to make the most of their retirement annuity, especially as the end of the tax year approaches.

South African residents and ex-pats have until the 28th of February to take advantage of a government incentive aimed to encourage them to save for their retirement using a retirement annuity (RA).

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Financial Consultant in Johannesburg Talks About Leaving a Legacy

If you’re looking for a financial consultant in Johannesburg that can provide you with sound advice to help you leave behind a legacy, then you have come to the right place.

Many people want to be well-known, loved and respected during their lives but few have thought about what they will leave behind.

Have you ever asked yourself “what do I want to be remembered for?”

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Gap Cover in South Africa - Make it Part of Your Financial Plan

You’ve heard about gap cover but you might still be wondering why you would need it if you are already a member of a medical aid.

In this article, we discuss gap cover and everything you need to know about it, including what it is and why it could be a smart financial decision to make for you and your family.

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Financial Advice and Tips for the Modern-Day Woman

With more focus being placed on gender equality through equal job opportunities and shared responsibility, financial advice for modern women is more important now than ever before.

Women are more driven to be financially independent than ever before. This means that the modern-day woman no longer feels compelled to depend on her partner or anyone else for financial support.

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The Importance of Financial Planning for Single Mothers

Sound financial advice for single parents, especially single mothers, can make a significant impact on their overall financial situation.

Apart from the fact that single motherhood is emotionally challenging, it can also be difficult to stay afloat financially.

If you’re a single mother, you’ll be faced with providing for your children in every way, making sure you stretch your income as far as it can possibly go.

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Insurance Companies – Know How to Choose the Right Insurance

Filtering through the many different insurance companies is one thing, but knowing how to choose the right insurance is even more important.

That being said, the type of policy you should select will depend largely on your individual circumstances, as well as what you want to gain from the policy.

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