Making better choices
is not always this easy


A woman’s guide to financial freedom in South Africa

Many South African women believe that achieving financial freedom is nothing more than an elaborate dream.

In fact, research indicates that approximately one-third of wealthy women believe that the stock market is too risky for them.

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Financial Planning in 6 Steps

Olemera offers effective and professional financial planning in Johannesburg. We use a carefully formulated plan which takes into consideration each client’s individual financial circumstances.

By assessing a client’s unique situation, we can ensure that we provide the best possible advice or recommendations with regards to their current financial situation and future.

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Financial planners – Do you need them and how do you pick them?

Out of all the financial planners in Johannesburg, Olemera takes the time to establish a healthy relationship with our clients, building a foundation of trust and transparency.

Many people wonder if having a financial planner is necessary and often try to manage their finances independently.

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Financial planning in Johannesburg - Setting financial goals for 2019

Olemera provides quality financial planning in Johannesburg. We understand that managing one’s finances can be challenging. Therefore, we have made it our mission to develop success driven methods to help you achieve financial success in 2019.

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What you need to know about changing medical aids in South Africa

Since all the rules and regulations which govern the medical aid industry have become stricter over the years, it is crucial to know what you are getting yourself into when changing medical aids.

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Ten steps to debt freedom

If you are feeling the crunch of the depressed global economy and trapped in never-ending debt repayments, the idea of getting out of the debt trap with just R200 may sound too good to be true.

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