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Posts Tagged 'Personal financial planning'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Personal financial planning'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

What is Income Protection, and do I Need it?

Nobody is immune to loss of income. Anyone can be retrenched, fall ill, or suffer serious injury which renders them incapable of fulfilling their employment duties. This strips away your ability to earn an income and ultimately puts you at risk of additional loss such as repossession of assets.

What is the Difference Between Funeral Cover and Life Insurance?

Life insurance and funeral cover are things that everyone should think about. However, it’s important to note that there is a difference between these types of long-term insurance.

Insurance – Different Types Available and What They Cover

The purpose of insurance is to protect you from huge financial pressures as a result of some kind of loss. It could be loss of a loved one, your job, your physical abilities, your car, or your house. Either way, losing one or more of these things can incur tremendous costs.

Using Goals to Achieve Financial Success

When financial plans focus on a client’s personal goals instead of arbitrary benchmarks, it creates motivation and satisfaction. For these reasons, and because many investors appreciate the level of personalisation of goals-based financial planning, this approach is gaining popularity.

The Importance of Setting Goals to Achieve Financial Independence

Goal setting is something we learn about in school and most people find the concept quite boring. However, when it comes to your personal finances, goal setting is one of the most important and useful activities you can do.

The Role of Financial Advisors in Achieving Financial Independence

In this article, we take a look at the role a financial advisor plays in working towards and achieving financial independence in today’s difficult economic climate.

How to Become Financially Independent

Growing up we’re told that we need to save money so that one day we will be financially independent. However, there is quite a bit more to it than just saving money for a rainy day. In this article, our financial advisors in Johannesburg have put together some of their expert tips for becoming financially independent.

Becoming Financially Conscious Is the New Trend

Spending money on basically anything because you ‘simply can’, is one of the reasons why I believe most young adults are constantly in debt. Being controlled by social media and trying to stay on trends often leads most of us to living beyond our means.

What Happens to Your Debt After Your Death?

Unfortunately, debt does not simply dissolve after you die. In fact, everything you have left to your name after you pass could be used to settle outstanding debt. What’s worse, in addition to mourning your passing, your loved ones may be faced with paying your outstanding debt if you have not taken the necessary steps to protect them.

How to Get Out of Debt – Four Simple Steps

Getting out of debt is not an easy task but, with hard work and commitment, it can be done. Our financial advisors in Johannesburg know that debt can be a slippery slope and, therefore, we offer debt management as one of our financial services.


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