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Posts Tagged 'Personal financial planning'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Personal financial planning'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Section 12J Investments and Reducing Taxable Income

Investing in an approved Section 12J VCC is indirectly investing in and building the South African economy. It also acts as a tax-efficient incentive for investors as it allows for a full tax deduction of the amount invested for the specific tax year.

Minimizing Your Tax Burden with a Retirement Annuity

Tax season is upon us which means it’s time to find ways to minimize your tax burden in the most efficient way possible. Although there are many ways to optimize your tax deductions, a retirement annuity may be one of the most beneficial vehicles to save on tax.

Season’s Greetings from Olemera Financial Advisors

2020 brought with it some unrelenting challenges and hardships as we watched how a single virus changed everything, almost overnight. However, as we approach the holiday season, now is a great time to reflect and be grateful for everything that we still have.

Conducting Your End-of-Year Personal Finance Review

Reviewing your personal financial plan at the end of the year helps you to end of the year knowing exactly where you stand with your finances and it helps you strategize for the year ahead.

Reviewing your Personal Financial Plan and Why it’s Important

There is a common misconception that a personal financial plan is formulated and implemented once and doesn’t need much attention afterwards. However, on the contrary, the only way your financial plan is going to work for you the way you want it to is for you to review it regularly.

Identifying Where the True Value of Financial Advice Lies

Olemera offers financial advice in Johannesburg which is built on the foundation of adding value to your portfolio while providing ongoing financial planning, advice and support.

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