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Posts Tagged 'Personal financial planning'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Personal financial planning'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

How to Use Your Credit Card Wisely – Tips from Our Financial Planners

When people talk about credit cards, there is often a lot of uncertainty that surrounds the topic and understandably so. They are a tricky thing to understand and, if not used wisely, can result in overwhelming debt. However, there are some benefits of a credit card which our financial advisors came together to discuss, and we will share them in this article.

Debt is Not Always Good, but Not All of it is Bad

The general rule with spending money is that you should only spend what you can afford to spend, on things that you really need. And, if you cannot afford to buy what you really need right now, take a few months to save up for it, rather than taking out unnecessary credit.

Understanding Debt in South Africa – What is Debt?

Although not all debt is bad, it’s important to know that even good debt can become bad if it’s not managed smartly and you cannot afford to pay it. The unfortunate reality is that South Africa is one of the countries with the most debt in the entire world. What’s worse is that South Africans tend not to save much either.

Make Sure Your Financial Advisor Meets These Requirements

One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing your financial advisor is their qualifications and whether or not they meet the necessary requirements. Not sure what to look for? In this article we discuss the minimum requirements that all financial advisors in South Africa must meet.

The Difference Between an Independent Financial Advisor and a Broker

In our previous article, we discussed 5 signs that it’s time to speak to a financial advisor but now you may be wondering what the difference between a financial advisor and a broker is. In this article, we will look at the main differences between these two so that you can understand who you are choosing to look after your portfolio.

Is it Time to Speak to a Financial Advisor? Here’s How You Know

Unless you have a strong financial background which allows you to understand the various markets, investment opportunities, and different savings vehicles, then seeking professional advice from a financial advisor is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Successful Budgeting and How to Achieve it

Creating a budget and finding the correct strategy for your monthly budget are the first steps to successful budgeting but could easily mean nothing without ongoing efforts to make sure you stick to, improve, and reassess your budget. Herein lies true budgeting success.

Three Effective Strategies for Successful Budgeting

What makes your budgeting efforts successful is your ongoing efforts to incorporate strategies that encourage good spending, saving and other budgeting habits.

Six Easy Steps to Creating a Personal Budget

If it’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that without a solid plan in place, you may find yourself moving through a maze, with no end in sight. This is true for everything in life, including your personal finances.

Steps to Creating an Emergency Fund that Works for You

An emergency fund will be what saves you from that inevitable rainy day. To be honest, we don’t believe in negative thinking but based on our experience, the rainy-day scenario is a likely one and we should always be fully prepared for it.


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