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From category archives: Olemera Blog

Personal Financial planning

5 mistakes people make when choosing a financial advisor

When we were younger, financial planning was easily the last thing on our minds. However, as we grow older, we realise how important it is to ensure we have a stable financial future.

What’s more important, is making sure you take into consideration the criteria your financial advisor should meet, before you hire them.

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Financial Planning for Millennials

With the way our financial world is currently moving, financial planning for millennials is becoming more and more important.

The term “millennials” is used to describe the generation of people born between 1981 and 1996. Interestingly, older generations seem to speak of millennials using a particularly superior tone.

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Do banks offer free advice from qualified financial advisor?

Our qualified financial advisors in Johannesburg address the topic of free financial advice offered by banks and why you need a qualified financial advisor.

Although banks often have a qualified financial advisor on their premises, their advisory services are vastly different to that of the bank teller.

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7 pieces of financial advice that could change your life

There are many metaphors that can be used to describe the well-accepted idea of one becoming the product of one’s environment.

Ultimately, when we take an honest glance at ourselves, we begin to notice that we all display certain characteristics which we have absorbed from the people we spend the most time with.

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A woman’s guide to financial freedom in South Africa

Many South African women believe that achieving financial freedom is nothing more than an elaborate dream.

In fact, research indicates that approximately one-third of wealthy women believe that the stock market is too risky for them.

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Financial Planning in 6 Steps

Olemera offers effective and professional financial planning in Johannesburg. We use a carefully formulated plan which takes into consideration each client’s individual financial circumstances.

By assessing a client’s unique situation, we can ensure that we provide the best possible advice or recommendations with regards to their current financial situation and future.

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