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From category archives: Olemera Blog

Personal Financial planning

How to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely – Invest, Don’t Spend!

Often times, people do not include their tax refund in their budget as they are not sure how much it is going to be, or if they will be receiving a refund at all. Therefore, it’s important that you know how to use your tax refund wisely so that you can improve your overall financial portfolio rather than spending on things you don’t need.

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Donations Tax in South Africa & Parents Donating Assets or Capital to Their Children

Many of our baby boomer clients are now considering making donations to their children in the form of property or capital for a deposit on a property. Although this is noble, parents must take into account the rules of donations tax in such situations. In this article, we will look into donations tax and what it means for parents who are helping their children purchase property.

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Everything You Need to Know About Capital Gains Tax in South Africa

Capital gains tax forms part of income tax and is triggered when you make a profit from selling an asset that you own. The amount of tax payable is calculated according to the profit you made in the sale and not the total amount you sold the asset for.

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Successful Budgeting and How to Achieve it

Creating a budget and finding the correct strategy for your monthly budget are the first steps to successful budgeting but could easily mean nothing without ongoing efforts to make sure you stick to, improve, and reassess your budget. Herein lies true budgeting success.

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Three Effective Strategies for Successful Budgeting

What makes your budgeting efforts successful is your ongoing efforts to incorporate strategies that encourage good spending, saving and other budgeting habits.

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Six Easy Steps to Creating a Personal Budget

If it’s one thing we know to be true, it’s that without a solid plan in place, you may find yourself moving through a maze, with no end in sight. This is true for everything in life, including your personal finances.

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Steps to Creating an Emergency Fund that Works for You

An emergency fund will be what saves you from that inevitable rainy day. To be honest, we don’t believe in negative thinking but based on our experience, the rainy-day scenario is a likely one and we should always be fully prepared for it.

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What to Consider When Buying a House in South Africa

Buying a house is a huge step in any person’s life, whether it your first home or your second or third. What matters is how carefully you consider all the important factors involved with buying a house.

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Have You Thought About Estate Planning? Here’s Why it’s Important

Planning for something fun like your next big holiday or your dream wedding can be fun and many people willingly put many hours and a fair amount of blood, sweat and tears into these events. However, there is something far more important to plan for and it’s never too early to start - estate planning.

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The Importance of Personal Financial Planning

Understanding why personal financial planning is important is the first step towards a secure, financial future.

Regardless of your income, planning your personal finances alongside a financial planner will help you save for the future, prepare for a rainy day while working towards achieving your big (or small) dreams.

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